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Galway; Scimone - Vivaldi: Concerti for Flute (DVD)
Boismortier: Cello Sonatas - Bakamjian, Brooklyn Baroque (CD)
Brooklyn Baroque: The Pleasures of the French (CD)
J.S. Bach: Works for Flute - Bolotowsky, Brooklyn Baroque (CD)
Brooklyn Baroque: Northern Lights (CD)
Krebs: Flute Sonatas - Bolotowsky, Pechefsky (CD)
The Newstead Trio: Romanza (CD)
Alfredo Piatti: Siciliana - Moskovitz, Ayers & Friends (CD)
Ida Haendel: The Historic Return to Chelm (CD)
Leonard Rose: Live in Recital (1953-1960) (CD)
Aaron Rosand in Norway (CD)
Ida Haendel in Recital (Newport 2000) (CD)
Bruno Walter & Hans Pfitzner: Violin Sonatas - The Orfeo Duo (CD)
Robert Stallman: Incantations (CD)
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Flute Force: Pastorale, with guest artist Julius Baker (CD)
Marc Moskovitz: Cello Music of David Popper (CD)
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